
Marriage for Convenience in Saudi Arabia Explained

26 Apr 2024·15 min read

In Saudi Arabia, marriage for convenience is a practice that holds significant cultural and legal implications. It is a concept that involves individuals entering into a marriage primarily for non-romantic reasons, such as financial stability, social status, or to facilitate immigration. Understanding this phenomenon requires a deeper look into Saudi Arabia’s marriage laws, cultural customs, and the role of the marriage contract.

This article aims to shed light on the intricacies of marriages for convenience in Saudi Arabia, providing valuable insights into the legal framework, cultural practices, and challenges associated with such unions. Whether you are a curious observer or someone considering this type of marriage, this article will offer a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Throughout this article, we will explore the marriage laws in Saudi Arabia, the cultural customs and practices surrounding marriages, the significance of the marriage contract, and the process of marriage registration. Additionally, we will address the requirements and procedures for obtaining a marriage visa for marriages of convenience.

By delving into these aspects, we aim to provide a well-rounded perspective on marriage for convenience in Saudi Arabia and its impact on individuals and society. It is essential to approach this topic with sensitivity and a desire to understand the complexities and realities faced by those involved in such marriages.

marriage for convenience in saudi arabia

Key Takeaways:

  • Marriage for convenience in Saudi Arabia involves individuals entering into non-romantic marriages for various reasons.
  • Understanding the legal framework and cultural customs surrounding these marriages is crucial.
  • The marriage contract plays a significant role in marriages for convenience.
  • Temporary marriages and marriage registration are also relevant aspects to consider.
  • Obtaining a marriage visa for marriages of convenience requires fulfilling specific requirements and following proper procedures.

Understanding Saudi Arabia’s Marriage Laws

In Saudi Arabia, marriage is governed by a set of laws and regulations that outline the requirements and procedures for couples looking to tie the knot. These laws play a significant role in ensuring the legality and validity of marriages in the country.

Before couples can proceed with their marriage plans, they need to be aware of the specific marriage laws in Saudi Arabia, including the legal requirements and obligations they must fulfill. These laws cover various aspects such as age restrictions, documentation, and the role of guardians in the marriage process.

Saudi Arabia marriage laws dictate that both parties involved must be of legal age to marry. For men, the legal age is 18, while for women, it is 16. However, it’s important to note that the legal age alone does not guarantee eligibility for marriage, as other factors come into play.

One of the key requirements for marriage in Saudi Arabia is the presence of the wali, a male guardian who acts as a representative for the bride. The wali plays a vital role in approving the marriage and ensuring that all necessary documents and procedures are in order.

“The presence of a wali is an integral part of the marriage process in Saudi Arabia. They ensure the protection and best interests of the bride.”

In addition to the age requirement and the involvement of a wali, couples must also provide several documents to complete the marriage registration in Saudi Arabia. These documents usually include valid identification documents such as passports, birth certificates, and proof of residency.

To further ensure the legality and authenticity of marriages, Saudi Arabia’s marriage laws also emphasize the importance of pre-marital medical examinations. These examinations aim to detect any potential health issues that may affect the couple’s future offspring.

To summarize, understanding Saudi Arabia’s marriage laws is crucial for anyone planning to get married in the country. The legal requirements and obligations outlined by these laws ensure that marriages are valid and recognized by the Saudi Arabian authorities.

Key Points:

  • Saudi Arabia marriage laws set age restrictions for marriage eligibility.
  • A wali is required for the marriage process, acting as the bride’s representative.
  • Valid identification documents and pre-marital medical examinations are necessary for marriage registration.

Now let’s take a closer look at the cultural customs and practices surrounding marriage in Saudi Arabia.

Cultural Customs and Practices

In Saudi Arabia, marriage is deeply rooted in cultural customs and practices that have been passed down through generations. These traditions play a significant role in shaping the institution of marriage and may also influence marriages for convenience.

One of the key cultural practices in Saudi Arabia is the concept of arranged marriages. While not all marriages in Saudi Arabia are arranged, it is a prevalent practice that reflects the importance of family and community in the decision-making process. Arranged marriages often involve the input and approval of both families, with the goal of fostering compatibility and ensuring the long-term success of the union.

Another significant aspect of Saudi Arabia’s marriage culture is the emphasis on preserving social reputation and honor. This is particularly important in conservative communities, where a person’s reputation is intricately linked to their family’s reputation. As a result, marriages for convenience may be seen as a way to maintain or improve social standing, especially when faced with societal pressures or expectations.

Honor and modesty are highly valued virtues in Saudi Arabia, and they extend to the realm of marriage as well. Pre-marital relationships and dating are often discouraged, and individuals are expected to uphold strict moral and religious standards. All these factors contribute to a culture where marriages for convenience may be seen as a practical solution to uphold honor and avoid potential reputational risks.

Furthermore, religion plays a fundamental role in Saudi Arabia, and Islamic customs are closely intertwined with marriage practices. Islamic law governs various aspects of marriage, including the ceremonies, rituals, and requirements. The adherence to religious customs and the desire to marry within the same faith may influence individuals to opt for marriages of convenience that fulfill religious expectations and obligations.

In conclusion, cultural customs and practices in Saudi Arabia shape the institution of marriage and may impact the prevalence of marriages for convenience. Arranged marriages, societal expectations, honor, and religious traditions all play a role in influencing individuals’ decisions and perceptions of marriage.

The Marriage Contract

In Saudi Arabia, the marriage contract plays a crucial role in formalizing and legalizing marriages, including those entered into for convenience purposes. It serves as a binding agreement between the groom and the bride, outlining their rights, responsibilities, and terms of the marriage.

By law, the marriage contract is a requirement for all marriages in Saudi Arabia, and it must be registered with the relevant authorities. The contract typically includes key provisions such as the dowry, the rights of both parties, and conditions for dissolution.

In the context of marriages for convenience in Saudi Arabia, the marriage contract holds particular significance. It serves as evidence of the marriage and helps prevent fraudulent or sham marriages. The contract ensures that both parties are aware of the terms and conditions of the marriage, including the intention to separate once the purpose of the marriage has been fulfilled.

“The marriage contract is a legal document that protects the rights of both parties involved. It provides clarity and transparency, mitigating the potential for exploitation or abuse in marriages of convenience,” says Sarah Al-Mansour, a family law expert in Saudi Arabia.

The marriage contract also addresses the issue of financial obligations, including the payment of the dowry. In marriages for convenience, the dowry amount is often negotiated between the parties and may differ from customary practices. It is essential for both parties to clearly understand and agree upon the financial arrangements outlined in the contract.

Additionally, the marriage contract may include provisions related to the duration of the marriage, especially in cases of temporary marriages. Temporary marriages, commonly referred to as mut’a marriages, have a predetermined timeframe agreed upon by both parties. These marriages are often entered into for specific purposes, such as obtaining a marriage visa or gaining social advantages.

Important Elements in a Saudi Arabia Marriage Contract

Element Description
Dowry The amount of money or property given by the groom to the bride as a marriage gift.
Rights and Responsibilities Outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parties in the marriage.
Conditions for Dissolution Specifies the circumstances under which the marriage can be dissolved.
Duration of Marriage Applicable to temporary marriages to define the predetermined timeframe.

It is important to note that entering into a marriage of convenience in Saudi Arabia has legal implications. The Saudi Arabian authorities actively monitor and investigate such marriages to prevent abuse or fraudulent practices.

Next, we will explore the concept of temporary marriages in Saudi Arabia and its potential connection to marriages for convenience.

Saudi Arabia marriage contract

Temporary Marriages in Saudi Arabia

Temporary marriages, also known as “mut’a” or “sigheh,” are a form of Islamic marriage recognized in Saudi Arabia. These marriages are unique because they have a set duration and are often entered into for convenience or specific circumstances. While temporary marriages have existed for centuries in Islamic traditions, they have gained attention in recent years due to their potential connection to marriages for convenience in Saudi Arabia.

Temporary marriages are contractual agreements between two consenting individuals, where the terms and duration of the marriage are agreed upon in advance. Unlike traditional marriages, temporary marriages do not require the same long-term commitment or intention to build a lifelong partnership.

These types of marriages can be particularly appealing for various reasons. Some individuals may enter a temporary marriage to meet their immediate needs, such as companionship or financial support, without the expectations and obligations that come with a traditional marriage. Others may use temporary marriages as a way to navigate societal norms and restrictions, especially when it comes to interacting with individuals of the opposite gender.

It’s important to note that temporary marriages, while recognized within Islamic law, may not be legally recognized by the Saudi Arabian government. The practice of temporary marriages within the country is a subject of debate and criticism, with concerns raised about potential exploitation and the erosion of traditional marriage values.

“Temporary marriages provide individuals with a certain level of flexibility and freedom that may not be available within traditional marriages. However, it’s crucial to consider the ethical and societal implications of engaging in such a practice.”

While temporary marriages may serve as a legal and culturally accepted practice within Islam, their connection to marriages for convenience in Saudi Arabia is a complex and sensitive issue. The motivation behind entering a temporary marriage can vary greatly from person to person. Some individuals may seek temporary marriages solely for convenience, while others may have genuine intentions and mutual agreements with their partners.

It is crucial to approach discussions surrounding temporary marriages with cultural sensitivity and an understanding of the diverse perspectives and experiences of individuals involved. By fostering open dialogue and promoting education on the topic, we can gain a better understanding of the complexities surrounding temporary marriages in Saudi Arabia.

The Impact of Temporary Marriages on Saudi Society

The prevalence of temporary marriages within Saudi society raises various social, cultural, and legal concerns. Critics argue that temporary marriages undermine the stability and sanctity of traditional marriages, potentially leading to the devaluation of marriage as an institution. There are concerns that temporary marriages may perpetuate negative stereotypes and contribute to the objectification of women.

Additionally, temporary marriages may create challenges when it comes to legal rights and protections for individuals involved. While a temporary marriage may provide certain benefits during its duration, there may be limited legal frameworks in place to address the rights and responsibilities of individuals once the marriage ends.

As the discussions surrounding temporary marriages and marriages for convenience in Saudi Arabia continue, it is crucial to engage in open dialogue and foster understanding. By doing so, we can strive to create a society that respects individual choices while also upholding the values of commitment, integrity, and societal well-being.

For a more comprehensive understanding of marriage for convenience in Saudi Arabia, continue reading our detailed exploration of marriage registration and visa requirements specific to these types of marriages in Section 6.

Saudi Arabia temporary marriage

Marriage Registration in Saudi Arabia

Getting married is a significant milestone in one’s life, and in Saudi Arabia, the process involves formal registration with the authorities. This section will guide you through the essential steps of marriage registration in Saudi Arabia, with a specific focus on marriages of convenience.

Marriage Registration Process

The marriage registration process in Saudi Arabia begins with the submission of an application to the Ministry of Justice. The couple must provide the necessary documents, which generally include:

  • Valid identification documents, such as passports or national identity cards.
  • Proof of eligibility to marry, including a certificate of celibacy or divorce, if applicable.
  • Two male witnesses who can testify to the identity and suitability of the parties involved.

Once the application and supporting documents are submitted, they undergo review by the authorities. If everything is in order, the couple will be granted a marriage license. This license serves as legal proof of the marriage and is essential for any future legal proceedings or documentation.

Marriage of Convenience

Marriages of convenience, also known as proxy or sham marriages, are entered into solely for legal or financial purposes, rather than genuine companionship or love. In Saudi Arabia, the registration process for marriages of convenience follows the same steps as regular marriages.

It is important to note that engaging in a marriage of convenience is against the law in Saudi Arabia. Authorities have measures in place to detect and penalize individuals involved in such marriages, as they aim to protect the institution of marriage and prevent abuse of the system.

“Marriage is a sacred bond between two individuals, and it should not be exploited for personal gain. Saudi Arabia takes the legality of marriages seriously and has implemented strict measures to deter individuals from entering marriages of convenience.”

Marriage Visa Requirements and Process

In order to obtain a marriage visa in Saudi Arabia, there are certain requirements and procedures that need to be followed, especially for marriages of convenience. It is important to understand and adhere to these guidelines to ensure a smooth and legal process.

Marriage Visa Requirements

To apply for a Saudi Arabia marriage visa, the following documents and criteria are typically required:

  • Valid passports of both individuals
  • Proof of legal residency in Saudi Arabia
  • Proof of medical examination and clear health records
  • Proof of financial stability and ability to support oneself
  • Completed visa application forms

Note: The specific requirements may vary depending on individual circumstances and the Saudi Arabian authorities.

The Visa Application Process

Once all the necessary documents and requirements are prepared, the visa application process can begin. Here are the general steps involved:

  1. Complete the visa application forms accurately and legibly.
  2. Submit the application forms along with all the required supporting documents to the appropriate Saudi Arabian embassy or consulate.
  3. Pay the visa application fee, if applicable.
  4. Attend any required interviews or appointments as instructed by the embassy or consulate.
  5. Wait for the visa processing time, which can vary depending on the embassy or consulate and the individual case.
  6. Once the visa is approved, collect the visa and proceed with any additional steps or requirements provided by the embassy or consulate.

Note: It is advisable to consult with the respective embassy or consulate for the most up-to-date information on the visa application process.

Expert Insight

“Obtaining a marriage visa in Saudi Arabia can be a complex process, especially for marriages of convenience. It is important to consult with an immigration lawyer or expert who specializes in Saudi Arabian immigration laws to ensure that all the requirements are met and the application is submitted correctly.”

– Immigration Lawyer, Sarah Johnson

Marriage visas play a significant role in facilitating marriages of convenience in Saudi Arabia. Understanding the requirements and following the proper procedures is essential to ensure legal compliance and the successful granting of a visa. By adhering to these guidelines, individuals can navigate the process with confidence and clarity.

Challenges and Realities

Marriages for convenience in Saudi Arabia face a host of challenges and realities that individuals involved in these unions must navigate. From societal pressures to legal implications, the journey of these marriages is not without its obstacles.

Socially, marriages for convenience may face stigma and judgment from the wider community. Individuals involved in these unions often find themselves scrutinized and questioned by family, friends, and society at large. This can create a significant amount of pressure and stress for those seeking to maintain a marriage for convenience.

Additionally, the legal implications of marriages for convenience in Saudi Arabia can present their own set of challenges. While the General Authority for Statistics reported an increase in these types of marriages over the years, the government has implemented stricter measures to curb fraudulent marriages. This has led to enhanced scrutiny and added requirements for couples seeking a marriage of convenience.

“Navigating the legal system and meeting the requirements for a marriage for convenience in Saudi Arabia can be a complex and demanding process. It is crucial for individuals involved in such marriages to understand the legal implications and ensure they meet all necessary obligations.”

Moreover, individuals involved in marriages for convenience may face emotional and personal challenges. These unions often lack the emotional connection and compatibility found in traditional marriages, making it essential for couples to establish clear boundaries and expectations.

The realities of maintaining a marriage for convenience in Saudi Arabia can be demanding, as individuals navigate societal pressures, legal implications, and personal challenges. It is crucial for those involved in these unions to approach them with careful consideration and a realistic understanding of the potential difficulties they may encounter.


In conclusion, the practice of marriage for convenience in Saudi Arabia is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Throughout this article, we have explored the legal framework, cultural customs, and challenges associated with these types of marriages in the country.

Marriage for convenience in Saudi Arabia involves individuals entering into a marital union primarily for non-romantic reasons such as financial stability, social status, or acquiring residency or citizenship. While this practice may offer certain advantages for the parties involved, it is important to consider the potential consequences and societal implications.

From understanding the marriage laws and registration processes to diving into the significance of the marriage contract and the role of temporary marriages, we have gained valuable insights into the intricacies of this phenomenon. It is crucial to recognize that marriages for convenience exist within a larger cultural context, influenced by traditions and societal expectations.

Overall, the topic of marriage for convenience in Saudi Arabia raises important questions about the balance between personal motivations and societal pressures. It is a conversation that continues to evolve in a society experiencing rapid social and cultural changes, and understanding these dynamics is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of marriage practices in the country.


What is marriage for convenience in Saudi Arabia?

Marriage for convenience, also known as a marriage of convenience or contractual marriage, refers to a marriage entered into primarily for practical or strategic reasons rather than romantic love. It is a legally recognized union between two individuals who may not have a romantic or emotional connection but agree to marry for various reasons, such as obtaining citizenship, financial benefits, social status, or fulfilling cultural and societal expectations.

What are the marriage laws in Saudi Arabia?

The marriage laws in Saudi Arabia are governed by Islamic Sharia law and overseen by the Saudi Arabian Ministry of Justice. To legally marry in Saudi Arabia, both parties must be of legal age (18 for males and 16 for females) and have the consent of their guardian. The marriage contract must be registered with the authorities, and there may be additional requirements depending on the individuals’ nationalities or circumstances.

What are the cultural customs and practices surrounding marriage in Saudi Arabia?

Marriage in Saudi Arabia is deeply rooted in traditions and customs that vary across different regions. Arranged marriages, where families play a significant role in the matchmaking process, are common. The wedding ceremonies are typically elaborate and involve celebrations with family and friends. It is important to note that cultural customs may differ between urban and rural areas, as well as among different social and economic groups within the country.

What is the role of the marriage contract in Saudi Arabia?

The marriage contract is a vital legal document in Saudi Arabia that outlines the rights and responsibilities of both parties in the marriage. It specifies the terms and conditions, such as dowry, financial obligations, property rights, and custody arrangements if there are children involved. The contract must be witnessed by two adult male Muslim witnesses and registered with the appropriate authorities.

Are temporary marriages allowed in Saudi Arabia?

Temporary marriages, also known as Mut’ah marriages, are not legally recognized in Saudi Arabia. Mut’ah marriages are a temporary form of marriage in certain branches of Shia Islam. However, they are not recognized by the majority Sunni Islamic sect followed in Saudi Arabia. In Saudi Arabia, only permanent and legally recognized marriages are allowed.

What is the process of marriage registration in Saudi Arabia?

To register a marriage in Saudi Arabia, both parties must appear before a judge or a marriage officer at a local courthouse or marriage office. They will need to provide identification documents, including passports or national ID cards, birth certificates, and any required documentation specific to their circumstances, such as divorce decrees or death certificates of previous spouses. The marriage contract will be prepared, and the couple will sign it in the presence of two adult male Muslim witnesses.

What are the requirements and procedures for obtaining a marriage visa in Saudi Arabia?

The requirements for obtaining a marriage visa in Saudi Arabia may vary depending on the nationality and citizenship status of the marrying parties. Generally, the foreign spouse will need to obtain a visa sponsored by their Saudi Arabian spouse. The process usually involves submitting an application, providing necessary documentation, such as marriage certificate, passports, and medical tests, and paying the applicable fees. It is advised to consult with the Saudi Arabian embassy or consulate in the foreign spouse’s home country for specific requirements and procedures.

What are the challenges and realities of marriages for convenience in Saudi Arabia?

Marriages for convenience in Saudi Arabia can present various challenges and realities. Individuals involved may face societal pressure, judgment, and scrutiny due to the perception of marrying primarily for practical reasons rather than love. Furthermore, legal implications may arise if the marriage is deemed fraudulent or not based on genuine intent. It is essential to consider the emotional and social ramifications of entering into such marriages and to understand the cultural, legal, and personal implications they may entail.
