
Is Marriage Worth It for a Woman? Saudi Perspective

28 Aug 2024·7 min read

In Saudi Arabia, the debate on whether marriage is worth it for women is complex. It involves cultural, legal, and societal views. As gender roles change, it’s key to look at what affects Saudi Arabian women’s marriage experiences. This piece will explore the value of marriage for women in Saudi Arabia, highlighting the changing views and the ongoing debate.

is marriage worth it for a woman

Traditional gender roles and expectations in Saudi society have shaped women’s views on marriage. But, with women’s rights improving and cultural views changing, new factors come into play. This article looks at legal, financial, psychological, and career aspects of marriage for Saudi Arabian women today.

Understanding the Cultural Context

To understand how marriage is changing for Saudi women, we must look at the traditional gender roles in the country. For a long time, women were seen as being in charge of the home and family. Men were expected to work and make important decisions.

Traditional Gender Roles in Saudi Society

In the past, Saudi women were mostly in the home, taking care of the family. Men were the public figures, holding power and authority. This division of roles was a key part of Saudi society.

The Changing Landscape for Women’s Rights

Recently, the situation for women’s rights in Saudi Arabia has changed a lot. Women are getting more rights and chances, which is changing the traditional gender roles. This change is affecting marriage, as women now want to have their own goals and careers.

Traditional Gender Roles Changing Landscape for Women’s Rights
  • Women confined to domestic responsibilities
  • Men as primary breadwinners and decision-makers
  • Strict division of roles and responsibilities
  • Increased rights and opportunities for women
  • Women challenging traditional norms
  • Evolving dynamics of marriage and family

This background helps us see the complex issues Saudi women face when making marriage decisions. The change in society and laws has opened new doors but also brought new challenges. Women are now dealing with new roles and family dynamics.

Legal Requirements for Marriage in Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, there are strict rules for getting married. These rules are important for Saudi women and everyone else. Let’s look at what these rules are.

Age Restrictions and Age Gap Limitations

The Saudi government sets a minimum age for marriage. Men must be 18, and women 16. There’s also a rule about the age difference between partners. The age gap can’t be more than 15 years, with the older partner not over 50. These rules help ensure the marriage is healthy and happy.

Prohibitions for Certain Professions and Positions

  • Saudi citizens can’t marry non-Saudis in jobs like the military, security, or diplomacy.
  • High-ranking officials, like ministers and royal family members, also can’t marry non-Saudis.
  • These rules keep important government and security jobs safe from outside influences.

These marriage rules in Saudi Arabia show the country’s values and social norms. It’s important for people to know these rules if they plan to get married there.

legal requirements marriage saudi arabia

Financial Considerations for Women in Marriage

Marriage is a big step that affects a person’s money matters, especially for Saudi women. The laws in Saudi Arabia have changed to give women more rights and chances. But, women still face risks to their money when they get married.

Risks of Exploitation by Foreign Spouses

Some non-Saudi men might marry Saudi women just to use their benefits. They don’t really want a true partnership. This can mean taking the woman’s money, inheritance, or other assets without her okay or what’s best for her.

Potential Exploitation Tactics Potential Consequences for Saudi Women
  • Coercing women to transfer assets or property
  • Restricting access to financial resources
  • Manipulating legal and social systems to their advantage
  • Pressuring women to forgo their financial rights
  • Loss of financial independence and security
  • Depletion of personal savings and assets
  • Difficulty in obtaining legal recourse or protection
  • Compromised long-term financial well-being

Saudi authorities have made rules to protect women from being taken advantage of in marriage. But, women need to stay alert and know their rights to keep their money safe. They should make sure their marriages are based on respect and real partnership.

is marriage worth it for a woman

Is marriage worth it for Saudi women? The answer is not straightforward. It depends on the benefits and challenges of this big step. We’ll look at the good and bad sides of marriage for Saudi women.

Marital Benefits for Saudi Women

Marriage can give Saudi women a boost in social status and financial security. In a culture where gender roles are traditional, a good marriage can lift a woman’s reputation. It also means getting financial help from a partner, which can make life more stable and comfortable.

Being married also means having someone to share life with, which is key in a society that values family and friends a lot. The love and support in a marriage can make Saudi women feel fulfilled and happy.

Potential Drawbacks and Challenges

Marriage has its downsides for Saudi women too. One big worry is being taken advantage of by foreign husbands who might want to use Saudi resources or get residency. This can leave Saudi women at risk of being mistreated financially and emotionally.

Also, the traditional roles and power in Saudi marriages can make it hard for women to follow their dreams. They often face pressure to focus on home and kids instead of their careers. This can stop Saudi women from reaching their goals.

So, whether marriage is right for a Saudi woman depends on many things like culture, laws, money, and feelings. Knowing the good and bad sides helps Saudi women make choices that fit their values and dreams.

Psychological and Emotional Factors

In marriage, the mind and heart of the couple are key. The age gap between partners is a big factor in how well they fit together. This gap can greatly affect their relationship.

Impact of Age Differences on Compatibility

Big age gaps can cause problems in a marriage. Younger wives might feel lost because of the difference in life experiences. Older husbands might not get their partner’s young views and needs.

This can make it hard for them to talk, understand each other, and share interests. It can hurt their connection and make the marriage less compatible.

Also, psychological factors marriage saudi women face get worse with big age gaps. Younger wives might feel like they’re not in control, leading to low self-esteem and bad feelings in the marriage.

On the flip side, the impact of age differences on marriage compatibility saudi can bring up real issues. Differences in energy, wanting to have kids, and long-term plans can stress the relationship. It makes it hard for the couple to deal with married life together.

Every marriage is different, but big age gaps can really affect how happy a Saudi woman is in her marriage. It’s important for couples to talk openly about these issues to make things work.

Social Pressures and Stigmas

In Saudi Arabia, the choice to get married is often swayed by strong social pressures and stigmas on women and their marital status. The culture here values marriage a lot. Not following the usual path can bring social trouble for Saudi women.

One big social pressure on Saudi women is the need to marry young. Many think a woman’s value is linked to being married. If she’s not married, she might be seen as less wanted or even “damaged” by others.

  • Being unmarried can make a woman feel left out and excluded. She might be seen as not fitting in or as a burden to her family.
  • Also, the push to marry gets stronger because of the stigmas around jobs or roles seen as not fitting for married women. This limits their choices and chances.

Social pressures and stigmas deeply affect how Saudi women see marriage. They might put marriage first to keep their social status and avoid criticism.

social pressures marriage saudi women

Dealing with these tough cultural norms is hard for Saudi women. They try to find a middle ground between their dreams and what society expects of them.

Balancing Marriage and Career Aspirations

Saudi women face a tough challenge balancing marriage and career. The Kingdom is changing socially and economically. This means old ideas about women’s roles are shifting. Now, Saudi women are looking for empowerment through education and jobs, wondering how marriage affects their goals.

Navigating Traditional Expectations

In Saudi Arabia, women were once expected to focus on home and family. But, empowerment through education and employment has changed things. It has created tension between marriage duties and career dreams.

Today, Saudi women are trying to balance marriage and career. They aim to meet family and work goals. This means they must carefully handle navigating traditional expectations marriage saudi. They’re making their own way to success.

Empowerment Through Education and Employment

Education and employment have empowered Saudi women. More women in education and jobs challenge old ideas about their roles. This has given them new chances for growth and lets them empower of saudi women through education and employment. They’re changing how they see marriage in their lives.

But, finding a balance is hard. Saudi women face many challenges, like old expectations and new laws. Overcoming these shows their strength and will. They’re changing their country’s culture and society.


This article wraps up by bringing together the main points from the debate on whether marriage is a good choice for women in Saudi Arabia. It looks at how cultural, legal, financial, psychological, and social factors affect women’s views on marriage. It also talks about how things are changing and how this impacts marriage.

Traditional gender roles and what society expects still have a big impact. But, Saudi women are getting more power through education and jobs, which is changing old norms. Laws about marriage, like age limits and rules for certain jobs, also affect women’s choices. Money matters too, especially the risk of being taken advantage of by foreign husbands.

In the end, deciding if marriage is a good idea for Saudi women is complex. It depends a lot on the culture, laws, and social norms of the country. As these things change, so will the choices Saudi women make about marriage and their goals in life and work.
