
Seeking Love: How to Ask Allah for Marriage Guidance

10 May 2024·15 min read

When seeking guidance from Allah for marriage with someone you love, it is important to approach the situation with sincerity and faith. Making dua (supplication) to Allah is a powerful way to seek His guidance and blessings. There are specific duas mentioned in the Quran that can be recited to ask Allah for a righteous spouse and a successful marriage.

These duas include the supplication for good in this life and the next, the dua of absolute need, and the dua for spouses and righteous offspring. It is important to remember that Allah’s guidance and timing are key, and to trust in His wisdom in answering your prayers for marriage.

How to ask Allah to marry someone you love?

Key Takeaways:

  • Approach seeking Allah’s guidance for marriage with sincerity and faith.
  • Recite specific duas mentioned in the Quran to ask for a righteous spouse.
  • Trust in Allah’s wisdom and timing in answering your prayers for marriage.
  • Seek the supplication for good in this life and the next, the dua of absolute need, and the dua for spouses and righteous offspring.
  • Remember that Allah’s guidance and timing are key to finding a suitable partner.

The Power of Sincere Supplication to Allah

Making sincere supplication to Allah is a powerful way to seek His guidance and blessings for marriage. It is important to approach dua with sincerity, humility, and faith in Allah’s power to answer prayers. By seeking guidance from Allah, we acknowledge His nearness and His willingness to answer the calls of those who invoke Him.

The Quran reminds us of the power of dua and provides specific supplications that can be recited to seek Allah’s guidance for a successful and fulfilling marriage. One of these supplications is the dua for good in this life and the next. Reciting this dua not only asks Allah for a righteous spouse but also seeks His blessings for a prosperous life in this world and the hereafter.

“Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.” (Quran 25:74)

In addition to the dua for good in this life and the next, the dua of absolute need is another powerful supplication that can be recited to seek Allah’s guidance in finding a suitable spouse. This dua acknowledges our absolute need for the good that Allah sends, including a righteous partner. It is a humble plea to Allah to guide us and decree what is best for us in our search for a spouse.

Another supplication mentioned in the Quran is the dua for spouses and righteous offspring. This dua highlights the importance of having a righteous spouse and raising pious children. By making this supplication, we seek Allah’s guidance in finding a spouse who will bring comfort and joy to our lives and in raising children who will be righteous leaders in the future.

These duas can be recited during prayer and throughout our daily lives. By regularly making sincere supplications to Allah for guidance and blessings, we strengthen our connection with Him and increase our chances of finding a righteous spouse. It is important to remember that Allah’s timing and wisdom are key, and to trust in His guidance in answering our prayers for marriage.

Dua Translation
Dua for good in this life and the next “Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.” (Quran 25:74)
Dua of absolute need “O Allah, I am in absolute need of the good You send me.” (Sunan Ibn Majah)
Dua for spouses and righteous offspring “Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us a leader of the righteous.” (Quran 25:74)

The Importance of Living Virtuous Qualities and Trusting in Allah’s Decree

In addition to making dua, it is important to strive to live the virtuous qualities that one is looking for in a spouse. By embodying these qualities oneself, there is a greater chance of attracting a righteous partner. Trusting in Allah’s decree and timing is also crucial. Understanding that Allah knows what is best for each individual and has a plan for their life can bring comfort and peace of mind. Acknowledging that Allah’s wisdom surpasses human understanding allows one to surrender to His will and trust that His guidance will lead to a fulfilling and successful marriage.

Living virtuous qualities is an integral part of Islamic teachings on marriage. It entails embodying traits such as honesty, kindness, patience, and respect. By living virtuously, individuals not only improve themselves but also increase their chances of attracting a spouse who shares and appreciates these qualities. It is essential to cultivate these virtues in oneself and strive for continuous self-improvement.

Trusting in Allah’s decree and timing is a cornerstone of seeking Allah’s guidance in marriage. Recognizing that Allah is the best planner and has a divine plan for each individual’s life brings solace and assurance. The journey of finding a suitable partner may have its challenges and uncertainties, but by trusting in Allah’s wisdom and submitting to His will, individuals find comfort in the knowledge that Allah’s plan is perfect and aligned with their ultimate benefit.

Islamic teachings emphasize the Divine decree in marriage, highlighting the belief that Allah has already determined one’s spouse. This belief instills a sense of peace and contentment, knowing that Allah’s choice is the best and most suitable for each person. Trusting in Allah’s decree and accepting it with an open heart allows individuals to let go of unnecessary anxieties and have faith in the perfect plan that Allah has ordained for them.

Divine decree in marriage

The Quranic Supplication for Good in This Life and the Next

One of the recommended Quranic supplications for a righteous spouse is the dua for good in this life and the next. This supplication asks Allah to grant good in both the worldly life and the afterlife, including a righteous spouse. Some commentators interpret the “good in this life” to specifically mean a pious spouse. This supplication recognizes the importance of a righteous partner in attaining eternal felicity and seeks Allah’s blessings in finding such a spouse.

Quranic Supplication for Good in This Life and the Next

“Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.” – Quran 25:74

In this supplication, believers implore Allah to bless them with righteous spouses and offspring who bring comfort and joy to their lives. The inclusion of “comfort to our eyes” signifies the deep emotional connection and fulfillment that comes with having a righteous partner. This dua reflects the understanding that a pious spouse is a source of tranquility, happiness, and spiritual growth.

Making this Quranic supplication demonstrates the believer’s trust in Allah’s plan and His ability to guide them towards a compatible and virtuous partner. By seeking Allah’s blessings for a righteous spouse, individuals align themselves with the teachings of Islam and open themselves to a fulfilling and harmonious marital relationship.

Benefits of the Quranic Supplication Explanation
Attainment of Eternal Felicity This supplication acknowledges that a righteous partner plays a crucial role in attaining spiritual well-being and eternal felicity. It recognizes that worldly happiness is incomplete without the blessings of a pious spouse.
Paving the Way for a Fulfilling Marriage By seeking Allah’s blessings for a righteous spouse, believers create a foundation for a marriage built on faith, righteousness, and compatibility. This supplication invites Allah’s guidance in choosing a partner and ensures the establishment of a harmonious and successful marital relationship.
Embracing the Importance of Righteousness The focus on a righteous partner highlights the significance of personal and collective piety in a successful marriage. This supplication affirms the Islamic belief that a virtuous spouse is central to leading a righteous life and achieving spiritual growth as a family.

By reciting the Quranic supplication for good in this life and the next, individuals express their reliance on Allah’s plan and His ability to provide them with a righteous spouse. This supplication serves as a reminder of the importance of faith, trust, and patience in the pursuit of a fulfilling and blessed marital union.

The Dua of Absolute Need and the Example of Prophet Moses

The dua of absolute need, also known as dua al-hajah, is a powerful supplication that Muslims can make when seeking a spouse. This dua takes inspiration from the example set by Prophet Moses (Musa) in the Quran. After helping two young women draw water from a well, Prophet Moses made a heartfelt dua to Allah, earnestly expressing his absolute need for guidance and assistance.

The dua of absolute need is a profound acknowledgment of our reliance on Allah in all matters, including finding a suitable partner for marriage. By recognizing our absolute need for Allah’s guidance and blessings, we demonstrate our trust in His wisdom and timing. It is a humble admission that we cannot achieve our goals and desires without His divine intervention.

“My Lord, indeed I am in need of whatever good You would send down to me.”

[Quran 28:24]

dua of absolute need

Just as Prophet Moses sought Allah’s help and expressed his need for divine assistance, we can turn to Allah through this dua in our quest to find a suitable spouse. It is important to note that while making this dua, it is prohibited to engage in unnecessary communication or gaze at the person we desire to marry. Instead, we should focus on maintaining virtuous conduct and supplicating to Allah for His guidance and blessings. By doing so, we demonstrate our sincerity and trust in Allah’s plan for our lives.

Making the dua of absolute need is a reminder that ultimately, it is Allah who has the power to bring two individuals together in a blessed and harmonious union. We should have faith in His infinite wisdom and His ability to grant us what is best for our spiritual growth and worldly life. While we make this dua, it is essential to maintain patience and trust in Allah’s timing. He knows what is best for us, and His plan will unfold in the most perfect way.

Desirable Qualities in a Spouse

While making the dua of absolute need, it is crucial to reflect on the desirable qualities one seeks in a spouse. These qualities may include sincerity, piety, kindness, compatibility, and shared values. It is important to remember that marriage is not solely based on physical attraction but also on spiritual and emotional connection.

“And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquility in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed, in that are signs for a people who give thought.”

[Quran 30:21]

By articulating our desires for a spouse with these qualities, we open ourselves to Allah’s guidance in finding a suitable partner who will bring tranquility and love into our lives. This supplication aligns our intentions with Allah’s divine plan, reminding us that our ultimate goal is to have a spouse who encourages us to grow spiritually and supports us in our journey towards righteousness.

Desirable qualities in a spouse Explanation
1. Sincerity A spouse who is honest, truthful, and genuine in their words and actions.
2. Piety A spouse who is devoted to their faith and strives to live according to Islamic principles.
3. Kindness A spouse who demonstrates compassion, consideration, and empathy towards others.
4. Compatibility A spouse who shares similar interests, values, and goals.
5. Shared values A spouse whose beliefs and outlook align with one’s own.

By focusing on these desirable qualities in our dua of absolute need, we demonstrate our commitment to seeking a spouse who will contribute positively to our lives and support us in our journey towards righteousness.

The Supplication for Spouses and Righteous Offspring

The supplication for spouses and righteous offspring is a powerful dua mentioned in the Quran that seeks Allah’s blessings and guidance for finding a righteous spouse and having righteous children. This supplication acknowledges the importance of having a spouse and children who bring comfort and joy to one’s life, and who play a significant role in leading a righteous and fulfilling life.

When we make this supplication, we seek Allah’s blessings in finding a spouse who will be a source of comfort and support, someone with whom we can share love, compassion, and companionship. We also ask Allah to bless our union with righteous offspring, children who will follow the path of righteousness and strive to please Allah in all their actions.

“Our Lord, grant us from among our spouses and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.” (Quran 25:74)

This supplication highlights the deep desire for a spouse and children who bring comfort to our eyes, meaning they bring immense happiness and satisfaction to our lives. It emphasizes the importance of a harmonious and loving family environment, where spouses support and care for one another, and children are raised with strong moral values.

By making this supplication, we also recognize the immense responsibility and honor of raising righteous children. We seek Allah’s guidance in nurturing our children in a way that leads them towards righteousness, goodness, and success in this life and the hereafter. We understand that having righteous offspring is not only a blessing for us, but also an opportunity to contribute positively to society.

Leading the Righteous

When we supplicate for righteous offspring, we are essentially asking Allah for children who will become leaders in righteousness. We aspire for our children to be pious, knowledgeable, and compassionate individuals who will make a positive impact in their communities and spread goodness wherever they go.

Having righteous offspring is not just about ensuring a successful lineage, but also about creating a legacy of faith and goodness that will continue for generations to come. It is a means of fulfilling our duty as parents to raise children who will contribute to the betterment of society and carry forward the values and teachings of Islam.

Through this supplication, we express our trust in Allah’s wisdom and guidance. We acknowledge that He knows what is best for us and will grant us what is most beneficial for our lives. We believe that Allah’s blessings in marriage and righteous offspring are essential for our personal and spiritual growth, and we seek His help in realizing these blessings.

By making the supplication for spouses and righteous offspring, we demonstrate our reliance on Allah and our faith in His divine plan. We understand that finding a suitable spouse and raising righteous children are not merely based on our efforts, but are ultimately determined by Allah’s decree.

Therefore, as we make this supplication, we strive to align our intentions and actions with the teachings of Islam. We seek to cultivate virtuous qualities within ourselves, so that we may be deserving of a righteous spouse and be capable of leading our offspring on the path of righteousness.

Ultimately, we trust in Allah’s wisdom and guidance, knowing that He will answer our supplications in the way that is best for us. We strive to be patient, maintaining our faith and trust in Allah’s plan, even when the desired outcome may not manifest immediately.

By making the supplication for spouses and righteous offspring, we seek Allah’s blessings and guidance in finding a righteous spouse and raising righteous children. We entrust our hearts and our future to Allah, knowing that He is the ultimate source of guidance, mercy, and blessings in our lives.

Trusting Allah’s Guidance and Accepting His Decree

When it comes to seeking marriage with someone you love, it is crucial to trust in Allah’s guidance and accept His decree. Put your faith in Allah, knowing that He knows what is best for you and has a plan for your life. Even if things don’t go according to your desires, find comfort in the fact that Allah’s wisdom surpasses human understanding, and He always has your best interests at heart.

Patience and dua (supplication) play vital roles in this journey. Cultivate reliance on Allah, understanding that He will guide you to the right path and the right person at the perfect time. In times of uncertainty or when faced with challenges, turn to Allah in prayer, seeking His guidance and support.

Understand that the process of finding a suitable spouse requires perseverance and a steadfast belief in Allah’s plan. Stay patient and continue making dua, expressing your desires and hopes to Allah. Have faith that He is listening and will answer your prayers in His own time and in the way that is most beneficial for you.

Trusting in Allah’s guidance and accepting His decree also means surrendering control and embracing the beauty of His plan. Know that Allah’s decisions are based on His infinite wisdom and love for you. Embrace the peace that comes with trusting in His plan, knowing that He is leading you towards what is best for you.

In this journey, remember that reliance on Allah and patience go hand in hand. Trust in His guidance, accept His decree, and have faith in His plan for your life. Keep making dua and stay steadfast in your belief in Allah’s wisdom. By doing so, you will find contentment, peace, and fulfillment in your path towards finding a suitable spouse.

The Importance of Istikharah in Making Decisions

When it comes to making important decisions in life, seeking guidance from Allah is a crucial aspect for Muslims. Istikharah is a special prayer that allows individuals to seek Allah’s guidance and make decisions based on His wisdom and knowledge. This includes the decision to marry someone, which is a significant choice that can impact one’s future.

Through Istikharah, Muslims ask Allah to decree what is good for them in their religion, livelihood, and the outcome of their affairs. It is a process of surrendering oneself to Allah’s will and seeking His guidance in choosing the right path. Istikharah is not limited to choosing a spouse but can be applied to any important decision in life.

It is important to note that Istikharah does not guarantee the absence of challenges or tests in life. Rather, it is a means to seek Allah’s guidance and acceptance of His decree. Allah may respond to Istikharah in various ways, such as through a feeling of inclination or disinclination towards a particular option, or by opening or closing doors of opportunity.

By performing Istikharah and relying on Allah’s guidance, individuals can make informed decisions with confidence, knowing that Allah has a plan for their ultimate benefit. It is a way to seek clarity, peace of mind, and contentment in the choices one makes, including the decision to marry someone.

Note: Istikharah is a personal prayer and should be performed with sincerity and a genuine desire to seek Allah’s guidance. It is recommended to consult with knowledgeable individuals or scholars for a better understanding of Istikharah and its application in decision-making.


Seeking Allah’s guidance in marriage is a fundamental aspect of Islamic faith. By making sincere supplications and reciting specific duas, individuals can seek Allah’s blessings for a righteous spouse and a successful and fulfilling marriage. Trusting in Allah’s plan, accepting His decree, and relying on His guidance are crucial in the journey of finding a suitable partner.

Living virtuous qualities in accordance with Islamic teachings increases the chances of attracting a righteous spouse. It is important to remember that Allah’s wisdom surpasses human understanding. By embodying trust in His plan, individuals can find comfort in knowing that He has a plan for their ultimate benefit.

In marriage, seeking Allah’s guidance through supplication, embodying virtuous qualities, trusting in His plan, and accepting His decree are vital for a successful and fulfilling union. With faith and reliance on Allah, individuals can navigate the journey of finding a suitable spouse with patience and contentment.


How can I ask Allah to marry someone I love?

You can ask Allah for guidance and blessings in your marriage by making sincere dua (supplication). Approach the situation with sincerity, humility, and faith in Allah’s power to answer prayers. Recite specific duas mentioned in the Quran, such as the supplication for good in this life and the next, the dua of absolute need, and the dua for spouses and righteous offspring. Trust in Allah’s wisdom and timing, and remember that His guidance is key in finding the right partner.

How do I make dua for marriage with a specific person?

When making dua for marriage with a specific person, it is important to remember that Allah’s guidance and timing are crucial. Start by making sincere supplications, seeking Allah’s guidance and blessings. Live virtuous qualities yourself to attract a righteous partner. Avoid unnecessary communication or gazing at the person, as it can lead to corrupting the heart. Trust in Allah’s decree and accept His plan, making dua for His guidance in finding a suitable spouse.

What duas can I recite for a righteous spouse and successful marriage?

There are specific duas mentioned in the Quran that can be recited for a righteous spouse and a successful marriage. The supplication for good in this life and the next is one such dua, asking Allah to grant good in both the worldly life and the afterlife, including a pious spouse. The dua of absolute need, recommended by the example of Prophet Moses, is also a supplication for those seeking a spouse. Additionally, the supplication for spouses and righteous offspring seeks Allah’s blessings in finding a righteous spouse and having righteous children.

How important is it to trust in Allah’s guidance and accept His decree?

Trusting in Allah’s guidance and accepting His decree is essential in seeking marriage with someone you love. Understand that Allah knows what is best for each individual and has a plan for their life. Even if the desired outcome is not realized, trust in His wisdom. Practice patience, continued dua, and strive to live virtuous qualities. Surrender to Allah’s will and have faith that His guidance will lead to a fulfilling and successful marriage.

What is Istikharah and how can it help in making important decisions, including marriage?

Istikharah is a special prayer for guidance in making important decisions, including the decision to marry someone. It involves seeking Allah’s guidance and asking for His decision and decree based on His knowledge and ability. Through Istikharah, a Muslim asks Allah to decree what is good for them in their religion, livelihood, and the outcome of their affairs. It is important to note that Istikharah does not guarantee the absence of tests and trials in life. Trust in Allah’s wisdom and accept His decree, knowing that He has a plan for your ultimate benefit.
