
Marry Outside Wedlock in Saudi Can You

24 Mar 2024·10 min read

In Saudi Arabia, the laws regarding marriage are strict, especially for expats. Having sex before marriage and becoming pregnant out of wedlock is illegal. Unmarried expats who find themselves in this situation may face severe consequences, including arrest, deportation, imprisonment, and even the inability to register their child's birth.

However, there is a way to avoid these punishments and legal complications: getting married quickly. In this article, we will explore the procedures and options available for expats who wish to marry in Saudi Arabia, ensuring their relationship is recognized and protected under the law.

Key Takeaways:

  • Saudi Arabia has strict marriage laws, making sex before marriage and pregnancy out of wedlock illegal.
  • Unmarried expats who become pregnant may face severe consequences, such as arrest, deportation, imprisonment, and the inability to register their child's birth.
  • A quick wedding can help avoid punishment and legal complications.
  • Online weddings are a convenient option for expats to marry quickly.
  • Once married, couples can live together legally in Saudi Arabia, as unmarried cohabitation is prohibited.
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Punishment for Unmarried Expats in Saudi

Unmarried expats in Saudi Arabia who become pregnant may face severe consequences, such as arrest, deportation, imprisonment, and the inability to register their child's birth. To avoid these punishments, it is crucial for expats to consider getting married quickly. This is especially important for registration purposes, as the estimated date of conception may be compared to the marriage date.

Quick and Easy Solution: Online Weddings

For expats in Saudi Arabia who choose to get married quickly, online weddings are a convenient option. These weddings can take place from anywhere in the world, including the Metaverse. Expats can opt for an online Nikah ceremony or a civil service that is inclusive of all faiths. Conducting an online wedding allows expats to complete the marriage paperwork and live as a family in Saudi Arabia.

Benefits of Online Weddings

  • Convenience: Online weddings offer the flexibility of getting married without the need for physical presence. This is particularly advantageous for expats who may be residing in different countries.
  • Time-saving: Planning a traditional wedding can be time-consuming, with various arrangements to be made. Online weddings provide a quick and efficient solution, allowing couples to tie the knot without extensive preparations.
  • Flexibility: Online weddings cater to diverse cultural and religious backgrounds. Whether individuals prefer a religious ceremony or a civil service, there are options available to meet their preferences.
  • Reduced paperwork: By conducting an online wedding, expats can streamline the marriage paperwork process. This eliminates the need for extensive documentation and simplifies the legal requirements.

The Process of Online Weddings

The process of online weddings usually involves the following steps:

  1. Choosing the online wedding platform: Couples can select a trusted online platform that specializes in conducting virtual ceremonies.
  2. Consultation and planning: The couple can consult with the platform's wedding coordinator to discuss their preferences, ceremony format, and any specific cultural or religious requirements.
  3. Documentation: The necessary marriage paperwork, such as identification documents and proof of eligibility, can be submitted online to ensure the legal validity of the marriage.
  4. Ceremony setup: The couple can customize the virtual wedding setup, including the backdrop, decorations, and music, to create a personalized and memorable experience.
  5. Virtual ceremony: On the scheduled date and time, the couple and the wedding officiant can join the online platform for the marriage ceremony. Family and friends can also participate virtually to witness the union.
  6. Legal recognition: After the online wedding, the couple can obtain the necessary documentation and submit it to the appropriate authorities for legal recognition in Saudi Arabia.

Online weddings provide a practical and efficient solution for expats in Saudi Arabia who wish to get married quickly. With the convenience of virtual ceremonies and simplified paperwork, online weddings allow couples to embark on their marital journey without delay.

Benefits of Online WeddingsThe Process of Online Weddings
  • Convenience
  • Time-saving
  • Flexibility
  • Reduced paperwork
  1. Choosing the online wedding platform
  2. Consultation and planning
  3. Documentation
  4. Ceremony setup
  5. Virtual ceremony
  6. Legal recognition

Marriage and Living Arrangements in Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, unmarried couples living together is prohibited. However, by getting married, couples can live together legally. Once married, expats can live with their spouses and start their lives together in Saudi Arabia. This not only allows couples to avoid punishment but also enables them to abide by Saudi marriage customs and societal norms.

Living ArrangementsBefore MarriageAfter Marriage
Legal StatusProhibited for unmarried couplesAllowed for married couples
ConsequencesPotential punishment, including arrest and deportationLegal protection and adherence to Saudi marriage customs
Social AcceptanceNot socially acceptedConforms to societal norms and expectations


Marriage is the key to legitimizing the relationship and ensuring a harmonious life together. It is crucial for unmarried couples to understand the legal implications and cultural sensitivities surrounding cohabitation in Saudi Arabia.

"Getting married not only provides legal protection, but it also allows couples to adhere to Saudi marriage customs and societal norms."

Unwanted Babies and Social Issues

Unmarried mothers in Saudi Arabia face strict consequences when it comes to children born out of wedlock. According to Islamic Law (Sharia), having children outside of marriage is prohibited. As a result, unmarried mothers are not allowed to keep their children if they are born out of wedlock.

This situation often leads to the presence of unwanted newborns being found on the streets. These innocent babies are left vulnerable and abandoned, which poses serious social issues in Saudi Arabian society. It is important to address the root causes behind these unwanted babies, such as instances of rape by family members.

While the topic is sensitive, it is crucial to shed light on the prevalence of rape in Saudi Arabia. Instances of rape within families can result in unwanted pregnancies, adding to the already complex situation faced by unmarried mothers. Addressing and raising awareness about these issues is vital for the well-being of both the mothers and the unwanted newborns.

"The presence of unwanted babies being found on the streets is a concerning and distressing issue. It is crucial for society to provide support for unmarried mothers and establish measures to prevent these situations from occurring in the first place."


While Islamic Law strictly prohibits children born out of wedlock, it also acknowledges the rights of women to make important decisions regarding their children. Unmarried mothers have the right to choose whether to keep their babies or give them up for adoption. This highlights the importance of providing support and guidance for unmarried mothers, ensuring they have access to proper resources and counseling to make informed choices about their children's future.

Tackling the issue of unwanted babies requires a multi-faceted approach that involves education, awareness, and support systems for unmarried mothers. By addressing the social issues underlying these situations, Saudi Arabian society can work towards preventing unwanted pregnancies, supporting unmarried mothers, and ensuring the well-being of all its citizens.

Protection for Orphans in Saudi Arabia

In Saudi Arabia, the government provides comprehensive support and protection for orphans who are not adopted. The country has implemented strict rules to ensure that these vulnerable children have a secure and fulfilling life.

Orphans in Saudi Arabia receive various forms of assistance from the government throughout their lives. This support encompasses financial aid, access to education and healthcare, and assistance with their overall well-being. The government strives to create a nurturing environment for these children, ensuring they have equal opportunities to succeed.

The Saudi government's commitment to safeguarding orphans is rooted in the principles of Islamic law and the cultural values of the country. Islam emphasizes the importance of caring for those in need, and Saudi Arabia takes this responsibility seriously.

Through state-funded orphanages and social welfare programs, the government ensures that orphans have access to a stable upbringing, nurturing caretakers, and educational opportunities. These institutions prioritize the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being of the children, helping them grow into productive members of society.

Government Support for Orphans in Saudi Arabia

The Saudi government's support for orphans includes:

  • Financial assistance to cover the expenses of daily life, education, and medical care.
  • Access to quality education to foster intellectual development and personal growth.
  • Healthcare services to ensure the physical well-being of the children.
  • Psychological counseling and emotional support to address trauma and promote mental well-being.
  • Assistance in finding suitable adoptive families, considering the best interests of the child.

The government also sets strict rules and regulations to ensure the proper care and protection of orphans. These regulations govern the functioning of orphanages, define the responsibilities of the caretakers, and enshrine the rights of the children.

Support Measures for Orphans in Saudi Arabia

Support MeasuresDescription
Financial AssistanceProviding funds to cover daily expenses, education, and medical care.
EducationEnsuring access to quality education, enabling intellectual development and personal growth.
HealthcareEnsuring access to healthcare services for the physical well-being of the orphans.
Psychological SupportOffering counseling and emotional support to address trauma and promote mental well-being.
Adoption AssistanceFacilitating the process of finding suitable adoptive families in the best interest of the child.


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"The government of Saudi Arabia is committed to providing a nurturing environment for orphans, ensuring their well-being, education, and a bright future." - Ministry of Social Affairs, Saudi Arabia


The government's dedication to protecting orphaned children reflects its commitment to the welfare of all individuals in Saudi Arabian society. By offering comprehensive support and implementing strict rules, the government aims to provide orphans with the care and opportunities they deserve.

Marriage of Saudi Female to Non-Saudi Resident

In Saudi Arabia, Saudi females can apply for marriage permission to a non-Saudi resident through the relevant government service. However, there are certain requirements and procedures that need to be followed in order to obtain this permission. Firstly, the female applicant should be within a certain age range as specified by the authorities. Additionally, the applicant should be living in Riyadh or its suburbs, as this is where the marriage permission service is typically available.

When applying for marriage permission, the female applicant needs to provide necessary documentation. This includes a copy of the suitor's valid Iqama (Resident ID) and passport. These documents are crucial for the government to verify the suitor's legal status and identity. The application process may also require other supporting documents depending on the specific circumstances.

It is important for Saudi females who wish to marry non-Saudi residents to carefully follow the procedures and provide all the required documents to ensure a smooth and successful application for marriage permission. By fulfilling the necessary requirements, Saudi females can legally marry non-Saudi residents and embark on a life together.

Key points:

  • Saudi females can apply for marriage permission to non-Saudi residents.
  • Requirements include a specified age range and residency in Riyadh or its suburbs.
  • Documentation such as the suitor's valid Iqama and passport is required.
  • Follow the procedures and provide the necessary documents for a successful application.

Required Documentation for Marriage

When applying for marriage in Saudi Arabia, several documents are required to complete the application process. These documents play a crucial role in ensuring the legality and authenticity of the marriage. The following are the key documents that applicants must provide:

  1. Copies of the suitor's birth certificate: To establish the suitor's identity and age, certified copies of their birth certificate must be submitted. This helps verify that the person is of legal age to marry.
  2. Employment verification letter: The suitor should obtain an employment verification letter from their employer. This letter serves as proof of the suitor's employment status and may be required to demonstrate financial stability.
  3. No criminal record certificate: A no criminal record certificate is essential for both parties involved in the marriage. This certificate confirms that the individuals have no criminal history and are eligible to marry.
  4. ID: The woman applicant must provide a copy of her national identification card. This helps establish her identity and legal status in the country.
  5. Employment verification (if applicable): If the woman applicant is employed, she should also provide an employment verification letter from her employer. This serves as evidence of her employment status.
  6. Proof of accommodation: Both parties should provide proof of their accommodation, such as rental contracts or property ownership documents. This helps verify their residential status.

Please note that depending on the specific circumstances, additional documentation may be required. It is advisable to check with the Civil Affairs department or relevant authorities for any additional requirements.

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Marrying outside wedlock in Saudi Arabia is illegal and can have severe consequences for unmarried expats. To avoid punishment, it is crucial to have a quick wedding and comply with the marriage laws and procedures in Saudi Arabia. Online weddings provide a convenient option for expats looking to get married swiftly and legally.

Once married, couples can live together in Saudi Arabia without facing legal issues. It is important to remember to respect and adhere to Saudi marriage customs and societal norms to ensure a smooth and harmonious experience.

Understanding the legality of marriage in Saudi Arabia is essential for expats, as it helps them navigate the process effectively. By following the proper procedures and seeking appropriate documentation, expats can ensure a lawful and recognized marriage in the country.


Is it possible to marry outside wedlock in Saudi Arabia?

No, marrying outside wedlock in Saudi Arabia is illegal and can lead to severe consequences for unmarried expats.

What are the punishment for unmarried expats who get pregnant in Saudi Arabia?

Unmarried expats who become pregnant in Saudi Arabia may face significant consequences, including arrest, deportation, imprisonment, and the inability to register their child's birth.

Are there any quick and easy solutions to marry in Saudi Arabia?

Yes, online weddings are a convenient option for expats who want to marry quickly. Conducting an online wedding allows expats to complete the marriage paperwork and live as a family in Saudi Arabia.

Can unmarried couples live together in Saudi Arabia?

No, unmarried couples living together is prohibited in Saudi Arabia. However, by getting married, couples can live together legally and abide by Saudi marriage customs and societal norms.

What are the social issues related to unwanted babies born out of wedlock in Saudi Arabia?

Unwanted babies born out of wedlock in Saudi Arabia are often found on the streets, often as a result of rape by family members. Islamic Law (Sharia) prohibits having children out of wedlock.

What kind of protection is provided for orphans in Saudi Arabia?

Orphans in Saudi Arabia, if not adopted, receive full support and protection from the government throughout their lives. The Saudi government has strict rules in place to ensure that orphans have a good life.

How can a Saudi female marry a non-Saudi resident?

Saudi females can apply for marriage permission to a non-Saudi resident through the relevant government service. There are certain requirements and procedures that need to be followed.

What documents are required for the marriage application process in Saudi Arabia?

To complete the marriage application process in Saudi Arabia, certain documents are required, including copies of the suitor's birth certificate, employment verification letter, and no criminal record certificate.

Can you summarize the key points about marrying outside wedlock in Saudi Arabia?

Marrying outside wedlock in Saudi Arabia is illegal and can have severe consequences. However, a quick wedding can help avoid punishment. It is important to understand the marriage laws and procedures in Saudi Arabia and abide by Saudi marriage customs and societal norms.

