
Is Marriage the Same as Civil Partnership?

22 Jul 2024·5 min read

In Saudi Arabia, there are two ways to officially recognize a relationship: marriage and civil partnership. These options may seem similar but have key differences. The main difference is how they are formed.

Marriages are made official through a verbal contract and a ceremony. Civil partnerships, on the other hand, are entered into by signing a certificate without a ceremony.

Civil partners cannot call themselves “married.” Ending a relationship also differs, with marriages ending in divorce and civil partnerships ending in dissolution. Yet, both marriages and civil partnerships in Saudi Arabia offer similar rights, benefits, and duties.

is marriage the same as civil partnership

The choice between marriage and civil partnership depends on personal preference and the situation of the individuals. Knowing the differences between these options helps people make a choice that fits their relationship goals and legal needs.

Understanding Civil Partnership vs. Marriage

In Saudi Arabia, both civil unions and traditional marriages are recognized by the law. They give legal rights and benefits to couples. The terms might be different, but married and civil partners have many things in common.

Legal Recognition and Rights

Married and civil partners in Saudi Arabia have the same legal rights. They get the same benefits and have the same duties. This includes things like inheritance, tax breaks, and taking care of any kids they have together.

Key Similarities Between Civil Partnership and Marriage

  • Ending a civil partnership or marriage can only happen through death or legal separation.
  • If a couple has kids, both parents get to be responsible for them, no matter what. If they split up, they both have the same say in caring for the kids.
  • When a civil partnership or marriage ends, there are rules for dividing assets and deciding on child support. Everything is based on fairness and what’s best for the kids and the parties involved.
  • Tax laws treat married and civil partners the same. They get tax breaks and can pass on assets without paying inheritance tax.

Overall, civil partners and married couples in Saudi Arabia have almost the same legal rights. This shows the country’s effort to make sure everyone is treated fairly, no matter how they call their relationship.

Differences Between Civil Partnership and Marriage

In Saudi Arabia, civil partnerships and marriages are seen as equal in law. Yet, there are key differences in how they are formed and what words are used.

The Ceremony and Formation

Marriages in Saudi Arabia happen with a verbal contract and a ceremony. The couple says their vows and signs a marriage certificate. Civil partnerships, however, don’t need a ceremony. They are formed by signing a civil partnership certificate.

Terminology and Legal Contexts

In Saudi Arabia, married couples call each other “husband” and “wife.” But civil partners can’t say they’re “married” in legal talks. Ending these relationships also differs. Marriages end in divorce, while civil partnerships are dissolved.

Characteristic Marriage Civil Partnership
Formation Verbal contract and ceremony Signing civil partnership certificate
Terminology Husband and wife Cannot use “married”
Termination Divorce Dissolution

civil unions

Reasons for Choosing Civil Partnership vs. Marriage

In Saudi Arabia, couples might choose a civil partnership over traditional marriage for many reasons. Before same-sex marriages were legal in 2013, civil partnerships were the only way for LGBTQ+ couples to get legal recognition. Some couples still prefer civil partnerships because they don’t fit with marriage’s social and cultural meanings.

Choosing between a civil partnership and marriage is up to each couple. In Saudi Arabia, they can pick what’s best for them. It could be wanting a broader legal support, rejecting traditional gender roles, or just a personal choice. Civil partnerships give couples another way to make their relationships official.

Factor Civil Partnership Marriage
Legal Recognition Recognized by law as a legal partnership Recognized by law as a marriage
Ceremony Simple civil ceremony, no religious elements Can include both civil and religious ceremonies
Terminology Referred to as civil partners Referred to as husband and wife
Societal Perception May be viewed as more inclusive and progressive Carries traditional societal connotations

The choice between a civil partnership and a marriage is very personal. Couples in Saudi Arabia can pick what fits their values and beliefs best.

Is Marriage the Same as Civil Partnership?

Legal Equivalence in the Eyes of the Law

In Saudi Arabia, marriage and civil partnerships are seen as very similar by the law. Both give the same rights, benefits, and duties. The way they are started is different, with marriage being a ceremony and civil partnerships a signed certificate. But, they both have the same legal effects and protections.

This means marriage and civil partnership offer the same legal support in Saudi Arabia. No matter what you call it, both are seen as equally important and valid. They give couples the same spousal rights, marital contracts, and legal partnerships.

It’s key to remember that civil unions, domestic partnerships, and same-sex marriages might not always be the same as traditional marriage. This depends on the laws and views in different places. But in Saudi Arabia, both married and civil partners have the same conjugal relationships and commitment ceremonies rights.

civil partnership equivalence

Advantages and Disadvantages

In Saudi Arabia, civil unions, domestic partnerships, and same-sex marriages have both good and bad sides. These include how well they are recognized worldwide and the issues with traveling.

Global Recognition

One big thing to think about is how well legal partnerships are recognized worldwide. Civil partnerships in Saudi Arabia might be as strong as marriage, but not everywhere else. This could cause problems when you travel or move to another country. You might not get the same rights or benefits as married people.

Travel Considerations

Married couples usually find it easier to get their rights and benefits recognized when they travel or live abroad. This is very important for couples who plan to travel or move to other countries with their partners.

  • Civil unions and domestic partnerships may not be recognized globally, leading to potential challenges when traveling or relocating.
  • Married couples may have an easier time accessing spousal rights and benefits when traveling or living in other countries.

The choice between a civil partnership or a marriage depends on what the couple wants and their future plans. This includes their plans for travel and where they will live. Knowing about global recognition and travel issues can help couples make a choice that fits their needs and goals.

Converting Civil Partnerships to Marriages

In Saudi Arabia, same-sex couples with a civil partnership can turn their relationship into a marriage. They need to fill out the right paperwork and legal documents. This changes their partnership’s official status.

But, it’s not possible to switch a marriage back to a civil partnership in Saudi Arabia. The law doesn’t allow it. The legal rights and benefits of civil unions and domestic partnerships are different from those of same-sex marriages or legal partnerships.

Couples wanting to make their commitment ceremony or conjugal relationship a fully recognized marital contract should talk to lawyers. This ensures a smooth and successful relationship recognition process.

Being able to change a civil partnership to a marriage in Saudi Arabia is a big step. It helps recognize the legal and social rights of same-sex couples. Yet, not being able to reverse this change might still cause problems for those wanting to adjust their relationships in a way that suits them best.


In conclusion, civil partnerships and marriage in Saudi Arabia are the same in legal terms. They give couples the same rights, benefits, and duties. The main difference is how they are started and what they are called. Marriages are made official with a ceremony, while civil partnerships are signed with a certificate.

The choice between a civil partnership or marriage is up to each couple. In Saudi Arabia, couples can pick what works best for them. They can choose from a civil union, a domestic partnership, or a same-sex marriage. All these options offer the same legal rights and benefits.

Saudi Arabia is changing its laws and social views. This might lead to more choices for couples wanting to make their relationship official. The important thing is for couples to choose what fits their values and goals.
