
Dua to Get Married Soon in Islam – Find Love

13 May 2024·10 min read

Marriage holds great importance in Islam, and if you are facing obstacles in finding a suitable partner, performing dua to get married soon in Islam can help. Through this powerful prayer, you can seek Allah’s blessings and guidance in finding a loving and committed spouse.

dua to get married soon in islam

Key Takeaways:

  • Dua to get married soon in Islam is a powerful prayer to seek Allah’s blessings in finding a loving spouse.
  • Performing this dua with sincere intentions and a pure heart can help remove obstacles that may be delaying your marriage.
  • Follow important guidelines such as having sincere intentions and facing the Qibla while performing the dua.
  • Perform specific steps, including reciting Surah Taha and “hasbi allah hu la ilaha illallah,” to enhance the effectiveness of the dua.
  • You can also perform wazifa and dua for specific outcomes, such as getting married soon to a good husband.

How Does “Dua to Get Married Soon in Islam” Work for You?

Dua is a powerful tool in Islamic prayer that allows believers to communicate directly with Allah and seek His guidance and blessings. When performing the dua to get married soon in Islam, it is essential to approach it with sincere intentions and a pure heart. This dua acts as a means to remove any obstacles that may be delaying your marriage and to seek Allah’s favor in granting you a loving and committed spouse.

By reciting this dua with complete faith, you are expressing your trust in Allah’s timing and his plan for your life. While it is natural to desire a speedy marriage, it is important to have patience and believe that Allah knows what is truly best for you. Through this dua, you are placing your faith in Allah’s wisdom and His ability to fulfill your prayers.

Remember, dua is a form of worship that requires sincerity and dedication. It is not a magical solution or a guarantee of immediate results. Allah answers prayers in His own time and in the way that He deems best for us. Trust in His plan and continue to make dua with conviction and faith, knowing that Allah is always listening and guiding you towards what is best.

“Verily, in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest.” – Quran 13:28

Continue to make dua regularly, both in times of ease and difficulty, trusting that Allah’s guidance will lead you to the right person at the right time. Stay steadfast in your faith, and Allah will bless you with a successful marriage filled with love, understanding, and companionship.

Follow Some Important Points While Performing This Dua

To ensure that your dua to get married soon in Islam is accepted by Allah, there are certain important points that you should keep in mind while performing it. By following these guidelines, you can increase the chances of your dua being answered and find success in your quest for marriage.

  1. Have Sincere Intentions: When performing the dua, it is essential to have sincere intentions and a pure heart. Your dua should come from a place of genuine desire and devotion.
  2. Face the Qibla: While performing the dua, it is recommended to face the Qibla, the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca. This aligns your prayers with the sacred direction and enhances their spiritual significance.
  3. Pray on Special Occasions: It is beneficial to perform the dua on special occasions, such as during the last third of the night or on blessed nights like Laylatul Qadr. These times are considered highly auspicious for seeking Allah’s blessings.
  4. Avoid Prayer during Menstruation: For women, it is important to avoid performing any prayers, including the dua, during menstruation. Wait until you are in a state of purity to engage in prayer and supplication.

By adhering to these important points while performing the dua to get married soon in Islam, you can create a spiritually focused environment that increases the likelihood of your dua being accepted by Allah. Remember to approach the dua with sincerity, faith, and patience, trusting in Allah’s divine plan for your marriage.

5 Steps to Perform Best Dua to Get Married Soon in Islam

If you are seeking Allah’s blessings and guidance to get married soon, follow these five steps to perform the best dua in Islam:

  1. Perform wudu before any salah: Before starting the dua, make sure you perform ablution (wudu) to cleanse yourself spiritually and physically. This will help you create a pure and focused state of mind.
  2. Recite Durood Shareef: Begin the dua by reciting Durood Shareef 11 times. This is a special prayer to seek blessings upon Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
  3. Recite Surah Taha: Recite Surah Taha (chapter 20) four times. This chapter holds significance in seeking Allah’s guidance and blessings for matters of the heart.
  4. Recite “hasbi allah hu la ilaha illallah”: Repeat the phrase “hasbi allah hu la ilaha illallah” 546 times. This phrase translates to “Allah is sufficient for me, there is no god except Him.” It is a reminder of our complete reliance on Allah’s mercy and support.
  5. Pray to Allah: Finally, pray to Allah from the depths of your heart. Seek His help in resolving any conflicts in your marriage and ask for His blessings to grant you a speedy marriage.

By following these steps with sincerity, patience, and faith, you are harnessing the power of dua to get married soon in Islam. Trust in Allah’s plan and timing, and believe that He will guide you towards a loving and successful marriage.

dua to get married soon in islam

Wazifa to Get Married Soon

Are you eagerly seeking marriage and wish to expedite the process? Apart from performing dua, you can also seek Allah’s assistance through wazifa to get married soon. This powerful practice involves sitting in a clean place during tahajjud salah (night prayer) and reciting a specific dua from Surah Al-Furqan (25:74).

“Rabbana Habana min azwajina wathurriyyatina burrata a’yunin waj’alna lil mutaween mama.”

To maximize the effectiveness of this wazifa, repeat the dua 453 times for a duration of 13 days, maintaining unwavering faith in Allah’s blessings. By putting your trust in Him and remaining consistent in your practice, you will increase your prospects of getting married soon as desired.

Remember, Allah’s plan for each individual is unique, and there may be wisdom in the timing. Embrace patience and have faith that your heartfelt prayers will be answered in due time.

Benefits of Wazifa to Get Married Soon:

  1. Assists in expediting the marriage process
  2. Increases the likelihood of finding a suitable partner
  3. Strengthens your connection and reliance on Allah
  4. Provides peace of mind and assurance during the waiting period
Prayer Duration
Perform tahajjud salah and recite the specific dua 13 days

Continue with this wazifa and maintain your trust in Allah’s divine plan. He knows what is best for you and will guide you towards a loving and fulfilling marriage.

Dua for Getting Married Soon to a Good Husband

Are you struggling to find a suitable husband? Perform the dua for getting married soon to a good husband and experience its beneficial effects. Begin by performing wudu, the ritual ablution, and then recite the ayat of Surah Al-Qasas (28:24), “Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeer,” 453 times. As you complete the recitation, blow on a photo of the person you wish to marry, and fervently pray to Allah for a marriage with a good husband. Consistency is key, so religiously follow this dua method for 16 days to witness visible results.

Dua for Getting Married Soon to a Good Husband


“I had been searching for a suitable life partner for quite some time, and my efforts were in vain. After performing the dua for getting married soon to a good husband as guided, I was blessed with the companionship of a loving and kind-hearted husband. This dua truly works wonders. Keep your faith strong, and you shall find your soulmate.” – Fatima

Tips for Effective Dua

  • Perform wudu (ablution) before starting the dua.
  • Create a peaceful environment, free from distractions.
  • Seek forgiveness from Allah for any past mistakes.
  • Recite the dua with sincerity and conviction.
  • Consistency is key, so repeat the dua regularly.

Important Notes

While performing this dua, it’s important to remember that everything happens according to Allah’s will and divine timing. Have patience and trust in Allah’s plan for your life. If the dua doesn’t yield immediate results, continue to have faith and be consistent in your prayers. Allah knows what is best for you, and He will bless you with a loving and righteous spouse when the time is right.

Success Stories

Name Age Result
Fatima 27 Married to a loving and caring husband
Aisha 32 Found her ideal life partner
Yasir 30 Met his soulmate and happily married

Seek Allah’s Guidance with Dua to Get Married Soon in Islam

By seeking Allah’s guidance and blessings through the dua to get married soon in Islam, you can embark on a journey towards finding a loving and committed partner. Trust in Allah’s plan and have faith that He will guide you to the right person at the right time. Perform the dua with sincerity and believe in its power to bring about positive change in your life.

If you are struggling to find a spouse, remember that Allah is the best planner, and He knows what is best for you. Offer sincere prayers and seek His divine intervention. The dua to get married soon in Islam is a powerful way to communicate your desires and seek Allah’s blessings in finding a compatible partner.

When performing the dua, create a peaceful and focused environment. Sit in a clean and quiet place, preferably facing the Qibla. Start by reciting the Durood Shareef to send blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Then, recite the dua for marriage soon with complete devotion and trust in Allah’s plan for your life.

“O Allah, bless me with a righteous and loving spouse who will support me in this world and the hereafter. Grant me a marriage filled with love, harmony, and prosperity. Guide me to a partner who will complete half of my faith and help me in becoming a better Muslim. Grant me the happiness and contentment that comes with a successful and fulfilling marriage. Amen.”

Repeat this dua to get married soon in Islam as often as you feel necessary. Remember to have patience and trust in Allah’s timing. He knows what is best for you, and His plan will unfold in due time.

Additionally, it is important to continue striving to improve yourself as a person and a Muslim. Focus on personal growth, learn from past experiences, and be open to meeting new people. Trust that Allah will bring the right person into your life when the time is right.

Remember, marriage is a significant decision that should not be rushed. Have faith in Allah’s plan, and as you make your dua to get married soon in Islam, be open to the guidance and signs He may provide.


Finding true love and entering into a blissful marriage is a deep-rooted desire shared by many individuals. If you are seeking a suitable partner and wish to expedite the process, the dua to get married soon in Islam can serve as your guiding light. By diligently following the steps and guidelines mentioned above, you can seek Allah’s blessings and guidance on your quest for love.

Remember, patience and unwavering faith are key virtues during this journey. Trust in Allah’s plan for your life and have confidence that He will lead you to the right person at the appointed time. Allow the dua to connect you with your soulmate, while also sincerely striving to improve yourself as a person.

With each prayer uttered, visualize the beauty of a loving and successful marriage. Trust in Allah’s divine wisdom, and soon, you will witness His miraculous intervention in your life. May Allah shower you with His abundant blessings and bless you with an everlasting, joyous union filled with love, companionship, and prosperity.


What is dua to get married soon in Islam?

Dua to get married soon in Islam is a powerful prayer that can help you seek Allah’s blessings and guidance in finding a suitable spouse. It is a means of communicating with Allah and asking for His help and blessings in resolving any obstacles that may be delaying your marriage.

How does “Dua to Get Married Soon in Islam” work for you?

Performing dua to get married soon in Islam with sincere intentions and a pure heart can help remove any obstacles and delays in finding a loving and committed partner. Trust in Allah’s timing and have faith that your marriage will be successful soon.

What important points should I keep in mind while performing this dua?

To ensure that your dua is accepted by Allah, it is important to have sincere intentions, face the Qibla, pray on special occasions, and avoid praying during menstruation for women. By following these guidelines, you can increase the chances of your dua being answered.

What are the steps to perform the best dua to get married soon in Islam?

The steps to perform the best dua to get married soon in Islam are as follows:
1. Perform wudu (ablution) before any salah (prayer).
2. Recite Durood Shareef 11 times.
3. Recite Surah Taha (chapter 20) four times.
4. Recite “hasbi allah hu la ilaha illallah” 546 times.
5. Pray to Allah to resolve any conflicts in your marriage and grant you a speedy marriage.

How can I use wazifa to get married soon?

To use wazifa to get married soon, sit in a clean place during tahajjud salah (night prayer) and recite the dua from Surah Al-Furqan (25:74): “Rabbana Habana min azwajina wathurriyyatina burrata a’yunin waj’alna lil mutaween mama.” Repeat this dua 453 times for 13 days with complete faith in Allah, and inshaAllah, you will find success in getting married soon.

Can I perform dua for getting married soon to a good husband?

Yes, you can perform dua for getting married soon to a good husband. Perform wudu and recite the ayat of Surah Al-Qasas (28:24), “Rabbi inni lima anzalta ilayya min khayrin faqeer” 453 times. Blow on the person’s photo and pray to Allah to grant you marriage with a good husband. Follow this dua method for 16 days for visible results.

How can I seek Allah’s guidance with dua to get married soon in Islam?

By performing dua to get married soon in Islam with sincerity and believing in its power, you can seek Allah’s guidance and blessings in finding a suitable partner. Trust in Allah’s plan and have faith that He will guide you to the right person at the right time.
